Sunday, May 3, 2020



Hey everyone! It has been a while. I have been pretty silent and that is mostly at first because school started up... and then I got really sick. Still not sure what it was as I couldn't get tested. Just recently, I've started feeling better but have been busy trying to catch up on school work. Anyway, I have a lot to update and show you all! 

Things I plan on working on: 

1. Posting my current Full collection - not sure if I will take photos or show a video... Probably photos. Either way, I've had a lot come in over the last few months so a lot to update so I can get back to doing smaller/semi normal updates.  

2. I will be updating the current lists I have made - the muster, album and tour my lists - 

3.  I am going to try to make a list with cards from collabs such as with BBQ and VT cosmetics and all the rest. This list may take a bit as I track down all the ones that are out there and that came with photocards..... 

4. I am going to make a list for the photocards from Dvds and special sets such as the army kits and summer packages and so on.

5. Another list I am going to work on is live broadcast/fan meet photocards (this is another difficult list as some photocards I believe were only available for certain fan meetings). For live broadcast, I am going to stick to ones that are actual photocards and not one that are the size of photographs (like the 4 x 6 photo paper)....if someone wants me to try to make a list for that I can consider it but at this time as I don't have interest in getting those specific photos, so it is not a priority.  

6.  I'm considering is the exhibition photos ...may or may not happen.

Anyway been busy sick, hope everyone is keeping safe!  


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