Saturday, July 27, 2019

BTS Photocard Collection Journey Entry 2 - Mail/ What I plan to collect

BTS Photocard Collection Journey 

Entry 2: Mail/What I plan to Collect

The 2nd Muster Zipcode 17520 photo ticket I purchased came in! Look at it so cute! Baby Jiminie! 

It is so cute and I am seriously debating on whether I will try to get all of them cause they are so expensive. Jiminie may be my bias but I love them all and would love a full collection of the Photo tickets. Cause I just love the aesthetic of them looking like tickets.  

One of main points of my collection is that I do plan for the most part to complete sets. I plan to purchase and complete as many sets as I can. Starting with the ones that interest me the most. There are certain photocards/photos that are just too expensive and unless there is a good deal I will not be trying to buy them. And at times I will only buy Jimin for things where it is just not money-wise feasible to collect them all (if I buy any at all). This is more for cards in the $100+ range PER card. 😱 (scary price I know). 

If you have any questions for me such as where I buy my cards feel free to ask in the comments. Or if you would just like me to make a post on the subject comment as well.  

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